I did a pop-up winter clothes giveaway for the homeless today. People were happy to get the hand-made crocheted mats!!
Then a very interesting thing happened…I was spontaneously interviewed by the Associated Press!
I walked past about 50 people and right up to four people sitting on the ground, which happened to be the Associated Press and a photographer doing interviews with the homeless. That's when they did an interview with me and took a photo.
The reporter asked me, "What do you think about the sign behind us saying, not to give to the homeless -give to an agency?
I answered, "The 50 coats that I just handed out will keep these people warm tonight - that sign will not keep them warm. I am here ready to help fill a need, by showing up on the streets where the homeless are - to help them survive another cold night. The needs of the homeless are not being met with overburdened agencies, they simply don't have the supplies needed. To make my point...I just donated clothes to...