No Shelter In Place For the Homeless

Uncategorized Mar 13, 2020

To most of us, the Shelter in Place order means we at least have a home to find comfort and safety during this pandemic. However most of the homeless population, Shelter in Place means nothing! They have nowhere to go!
Just for a moment, just imagine being as concerned and vigilant as you have been about preparing for the coronavirus, but no home to go to for you and your family! It’s a nightmare every day to kind-hearted people who share our feelings about needing protection from this virus.
The homeless are frightened. They are only hearing pandemic sound bites; there is no way to get current news.
For Mike and Donna, their Shelter in Place last night was found at a bus stop. An officer stopped to tell them they had 5 min to pack up. While waiting in his car, I approached him and said I was helping them get breakfast, bus passes, and other services. He said okay and decided to drive away.
I found out that Mike is a vet, and Donna has a housing voucher. I told them I would help them find an available apartment and pay the application fee, plus give them a phone to stay in touch.
They called it a mini-miracle that we crossed each other’s paths today. I call it God’s grace.
Real miracles happen when we look past our situation and doing what we can to show Acts of Kindness to others during this crisis, especially those who have no home to Shelter in Place.
Thank you for your donations- they are directly helping the homeless!

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